Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The tenth day of my life, June 24

Went off to work at Labor Ready again, and this time, it was quite the experience. I was assigned to clean up the Epping drag strip, which was a generally trashy job. In all senses of the term. From the people leaving the strip, to the tons (yes tons) of bottles, clutch pads, wrappers, plates, wallets...That last one I only wish I found. The job seemed to be generally miserable. That being said, I did find that the people working on the trash clean up were some very interesting characters. One of the gentlemen there claimed to have held every employable position at that drag strip; from dish boy, to driver. I was pretty well shocked to hear that he had chosen to volunteer to pick up trash. When I asked him why he was volunteering, he said it was because he loved being at the track that much, and that he knew someone had to do it. I hope to find that level of devotion to something, some day.
We went around in a golf cart, picking up trash out of big barrels all around the lot where the race vehicles and concession stands were the previous weekend. The work wasn't strenuous, just hot and a little disgusting. We made fun of it, of course, by driving the golf cart at full speed and 'jousting' for cardboard boxes with a piece of metal we found on the ground. I also came across a respectable number of clutch plates that were abandoned in the lot. I originally wanted to go and turn some of them into an art piece, or maybe into some really strange round knives. After the sixtieth clutch plate recovered, however, I decided against doing anything special with the metal, and will probably sell them for scrap weight or something of the sort.

Through trash and thin, I worked the eight hours I was meant to, and then waited around for a half hour for the boss to get back from somewhere. I had wanted to feel discontent with his lack of punctuality, but when he stated that, with the races, he had been working upwards of sixty hours a week for the past couple of weeks, I understood his situation completely, shut my mouth, and waited my turn to be signed off.

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